If you wish to taste Real Natural Spirituality & the Fruit of Spiritual Transformation, beyond dogmas, theories and speculations, you may now immerse yourself in the Unique Spiritual Teachings, the Knowledge beyond this time, diving deep into authentic Siddha Teachings, Real Spiritual (Kundalini) Awakening, Deep Healing & Alchemy unlike anything you have ever heard of or will ever learn/experience elsewhere.
  A True Teaching is the transmission of a Higher Frequency of Existence through a refined Living Consciousness that embodies Yoga, Higher Being and Knowledge as one powerful emanation/presence that spiritually awakens, heals and transforms anyone who comes to its awareness or becomes aware of it within themselves.



Jivanmukti is an embodiment of Yoga, rare Spiritual Knowledge and Siddha Param-Para. Her presence, spontaneous teachings and writings are a vibrant testimony of Natural Spirituality and the Living Path of Siddha Kundalini Yoga, imbued with the powerful transmission of ancient wisdom and Siddha Consciousness. Jivanmukti's presence and words carry in them an immense spiritual power to return one to the natural flow of being, to dispel illusions, to awaken, heal and transform.






Siddha Param-Para is a rare transmission and initiation into the depths of Siddha Kundalini Awakening and Siddha Teaching. It transmits the essence of the authentic Siddha Kundalini Yoga Path of awakening, absorption, and human Alchemy. The flow of words itself invokes the experience of spontaenous meditation — absorption into the natural being by turning one’s mind within.











  If you wish to dive into the actual higher spiritual reality that deeply heals & transforms, you may now sign up for unique Siddha Light Transmissions with Jivanmukti:

  • Restore yourself to life - Awaken to your immortal self/soul,
  • Deeply heal & align with your higher being,
  • Realise true yoga that is beyond fitness & exercises,
  • Alchemise your mind & body & upgrade your DNA, by dissolving ancestral karmic patterns,
  • Learn rare knowledge of spiritual healing, rejuvenation & inner mastery,
  • Experience unlike any other spiritual grace of your own higher being through rare Shaktipat,
  • Realise the depths of your being/life/creation beyond your imagination.

  Siddha Light Transmissions are a significant part of Shaktipat Stream with Jivanmukti who with every session initiates the participants into the new depths of Siddha teachings, spontaneous spiritual experiences and revelations, accompanied by natural meditation and blessings.
  SIGN UP BY : AUGUST 10, 2024





Occult Mysteries of the Ancients

  Jivanmukti will be hosting an enlightening webinar on 'Occult Mysteries of the Ancients' and is going to bring up topics about various ancient mystical traditions and schools worldwide, their common ideas and goals in terms of Creation, Spirituality, Enlightenment and Transcendence, as well as the secret means by which they attempted to connect to and achieve it. We shall discuss Cycles, Levels of Consciousness and Evolution, as well as the occult side of spirituality of the past 6000-7000 years.
  Jivanmukti will offer a unique transmission on the subjects of Siddha Tantra, Ancient Occult/Magical and Alchemical Practices as well as the use and application of vibrational codes/mantras with the purpose of communication with the projected reality. This transmission is going to support you in your further journey of investigating the truths of this reality and in search of the Original Being. Jivanmukti will also give special energy healing from ancestral ties, beliefs and corrupt patterns of the bloodlines during the Webinar.
  All the details, necessary study materials and links relevant to this Webinar will be shared with the registered participants.


  • Life, Death and Resurrection
  • Ways to Longevity and Immortality
  • Perception of Self, Time and Space
  • Awakening and The Essence of spiritual teachings and practices of the West and East for the past 6000 years until now
  • Spiritual Pharmacology and Mystical Rites of the past and present
  • The appearance of Ritualistic Spirituality and reasons:
    • Oracular powers, divination and sexual communion
    • Venoms, poisons and snake symbolism in Kundalini (Spiritual) Awakening
    • Alchemy of the body and the notion of balance and longevity in the past and present
  • How to gain higher spiritual awareness and knowledge beyond illusions of the current era
  • What real spiritual awakening, freedom and immortality look like.




To be announced later


3 hours


OCTOBER 10, 2024


All current Shaktipat Stream supporters will be automatically enrolled for this Webinar and are encouraged to offer their views and perspectives on the subject.

Other followers may register for the event also, the minimum suggested donation is 240€/person





One-on-One Sessions, Programs and Empowerment with Jivanmukti are a life-changing and transformative experience, unlike any other you have ever encountered.
Jivanmukti's rare spiritual Frequency and Presence invoke Higher Awareness and Blissful Being, Effortless Equanimity and Meditation, Deep Healing and Dissolution of corrupt soul patterns/trauma, conscious distortions & karmic limitations.
Through One-on-One Transmissions & Interaction with Jivanmukti, you are going to experience High-Level Spiritual Activation and Profound Inner Transformation, along with the growth in Spiritual Intelligence, Intuitive Perception & Creativity.
Sessions with Jivanmukti offer one unique spiritual insights, guidance and support in one's soul journey, be it mystical experiences, the process of Spiritual/Kundalini Awakening & Transformation, or Healing and Self-Development.



GENERAL: Dear Jivanmukti, I have improved so much since the first time I got in contact with you & I feel that my understanding & perception is deepening every day. Not to mention that I have started a very deep & fundamental level of healing of my past traumas & it was the greatest thing that could happen to me in this lifetime. There’s no need to thank me as I have so much more to thank you for.



GENERAL: Jivanmukti, The bright white light that you emanate around you…I have so much gratitude to listen to your wisdom so I can refine even more my body-mind construct! I thank you!



EVENT: Thank you Jivanmukti for your transmissions and your words - they have really helped me reflect on myself.



EVENT: Dear Jivanmukti, I felt so light & content after last night session. Last night you were in my dream till 5:45am est, you were teaching me how to overcome the darkness. The setting was during the ancient times. My sleep was very light, I kept dipping in & out consciousness. Thank you & many blessings



GENERAL: Dear Jivanmukti I would also like to thank you. It's as though the higher consciousness is teaching me how these different elements of creation work. Maybe because I'm not as scared as before. You helped me to see through the falsehood and have the strength to walk away. I trust you as my guru, because I feel your sincerity and truthfulness through the vibrations I receive. I appreciate your guidance through this journey. It feels as though I have lived for thousands of years in the past year, as it was a very intense & tumultuous year. It was worth it though, because in some ways I feel I am liberated from this illusion. Thank you and many blessings,



EVENT: Jivanmukti, Thank you for the session yesterday. It's always a great blessing to meet with you. I'll keep working on what you said. Forgiveness and compassion. Solar plexus feels lighter, feeling lighter overall as well. Something happened during the meditation, it happens consistently when meditating in your presence, often enough to feel like more than a coincidence. My eyes turned inward, then my visual perception shifted, it was like there was a tangible distance between my sight and the back of my eyelids. It was like a 3D wall, an infinity screen, a sense of inner spaciousness or void. It happens on my own from time to time, but yeah. Many thanks and gratitude



GENERAL: My inner development is remarkable in this 2020, it has been extraordinary. Since January and until now, I have taken advantage of the times in refining, I have made an intense retreat of 1 month, refining long hours... In the video conference of the Guru Purnima with Jivanmukti, the transmission has been extraordinary, I spent 4 days, most of this time clutched, engrossed and refining. I can now say, from my experience, that the siddha path is powerful and unique. I take this opportunity to thank again for having found her, my life has changed. I feel different. I would like on some occasion to be with you in person. I have been with Jivanmukti for 2 years and 5 months, I will continue to work within myself and I will continue to watch her videos. I have found my path, I feel at home.



EVENT: Blessings wow! I just finished your 3 h lecture on Kundalini Awakening & the occult - best talk/transmission ever! I will be watching it a few times, as there was a lot in there that clicked and a lot that is still unwinding. You did a really great job of putting into words what is difficult to articulate (at least for this limited consciousness). I would love if you could continue with this subject matter in another webinar. Thank you.



GENERAL: Your videos helped me a lot and still help in everyday life to clarify a lot of things and especially those writings in the blog, they are the greatest thing. A lot of questions answered and maybe even realizations came about the root of some distortions and also bad traumatic memories that were buried came alive, which is great.



EVENT: Thank you very much for today. It was amazing. I've been lost for years on the spiritual path and now I'm starting to deconstruct some ideas and even the idea of spirituality itself. I think that what you always tell us about contemplation, silence and simplicity is the key. Rituals, Vedanta, Murtis, Pujas...even Yogaasana are consequences and not the cause. The core of Spirituality comes from these simple things that you told us about today. And always.



EVENT: It helps me to notice Jivanmukti's presence. Suddenly I feel the shakti much, much stronger and the experience becomes more blissful. Just focus/tune into/ feel into her presence instead of merely superficially watching the video and her words. Hope this helps someone and if it doesn't help you then just discard my advice.

J. E.


EVENT: Dear Jivanmukti, Already many times I have viewed your last webinar on relationships. What wonderful words of wisdom with total clarity, I thank you very much for it. I only wanted to let you know. Some things I had realised also, already long time ago, but I was too unaware and made all the errors you describe.. The way we realise our distortions seems interesting to me: we can turn one and the same situation or environment in totally opposite directions by the way we approach it. It is no magic, despite the results seem to be magic. Thank you again,



SESSION (One-on-One): Thanks a lot, Jivanmukti, for one-on-one session. It's been 10+ years since you have been helping me in my spiritual journey and yesterday's one-on-one session was one of the best I have attended so far. From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank you again for your healing and guidance.



EVENT: I want to thank you, I can't express enough gratitude. Bless your pure heart for all you've done for me. You have made a wonderful difference in my life I can never put into words. I am and will always be eternally grateful for you. Thank You, this session was something else. Interesting because I feel like a completely different person today, and then I see this amazing video. This is the best I have experienced of Jivanmukti.



EVENT: Just writing to say thank you for the transmission. The discourse was excellent and answered not just the question, but also touched on a lot of things I've been contemplating. The transmission behind / beyond the words was felt just as strong. During the silent transmission, a sense of heaviness and giddiness / mirth was felt at the root. Then it felt like I was keeping a lid on bubbling joy, and I couldn't help but smile and laugh. It felt great, thank you for sharing the blissful being with the group.



GENERAL: 8 years ago I found You and I watched the first YouTube video and felt that I knew You. 8 years of beauty and ugliness, pain and bliss, laughter and crying, 8 years of stubbornly rejecting the victimised self's truce (of dragging me back to the place where I have started) day after day after day. The biggest fight I always had, was only with myself, but your words, be it written, spoken, recorded or in person always had the effect of a cold shower, waking me up and removing me from the claws of the illusion.



GENERAL: In my case it was also interesting, because my English is not perfect. I found you on YouTube three years ago and got interested and listened to your videos many times. But many times it was difficult because of language and because of little true inner knowledge. When I started reading your book I realised that I experienced the glimpse of the Truth three years ago, only I did not know that that was the Truth. I was unconscious, but I finally found you.



GENERAL: It's really beautiful to be connected with a guide like yourself who provides the foundation of such purity, clarity and simplicity - on top of that, being so accessible for all of us.



EVENT: Thank you very much for the transmission! The awareness you emanated reached my awareness! As I start to perceive that the final realisation will be that nobody exists, only the pure awareness. I would like to die to this awareness. I felt my heart opening, and then in the brain, as if more brain aspects were activated. I felt it in the whole body. Never in my life have I felt such emanation!



RETREAT: Though it is not widely understood, the choice to attend retreat with a being such as Jivanmukti is a supreme act of Grace. One might say the Grace emanates from the Siddha being, but in fact conditions must be such that the participant is ripe for Param-Para (Transmission) to take place. In my own personal experience, such Grace arises in concordance with personal efforts toward perceptual and emotional refinement, ending the corresponding cycle(s) of victimhood. The retreat experience is both a culmination of prior refinement(s) and an initiation into the next stage. For those who are ready, it is the perfect next step. I share this testimonial with utmost gratitude in being so blessed.



RETREAT: Very powerful retreat; transformative! Each session was powerful. I was able to release some negativity from past and experience some physical healing. Jivanmukti was an astute and insightful retreat master. I will attend again.



RETREAT: I had a fantastic time in the retreat. Of course, the main draw was Jivanmukti. Not only is she a true Siddha, who emanates the same vibes as the Jeeva samadhis of southern India, she is also friendly, down to earth and accessible. The arrangements were very professional. We were given a couple of nice tours of the surrounding nature. I very much enjoyed spending time with the other retreat participants, who were all quite pleasant.



RETREAT: The experience of attending the retreat with Jivanmukti is one of a kind. Words can only attempt to relate such an experience, as it is necessary to experience such things first hand. Jivanmukti to me, is a Profound, groundbreaking, clear, fresh and thoroughly alive" teacher. She comes from a place of deep realisation and direct experience. She emanates effortlessly this authentic natural Spirituality which is thoroughly integrated and which encompasses all areas of life. Participation in such an immersion is not something you go to and then forget. The experiences and teachings which were related there have deeply implanted themselves into my psyche and almost daily keep me on track towards a richer and more content clear life. For aspirants who do not underestimate the in most cases immense effort and dedication that is required a retreat immersion with Jivanmukti can be an invaluable liberating and highly uplifting experience.

Max T.


EVENT: Thank you very much for the transmission! The awareness you emanated reached my awareness! As I start to perceive that the final realisation will be that nobody exists, only the pure awareness. I would like to die to this awareness. I felt my heart opening, and then in the brain, as if more brain aspects were activated. I felt it in the whole body. Never in my life have I felt such emanation!



EVENT: This truly was a transmission. Jivanmukti is the only one who makes so much clear sense to me. Jivanmukti is a true master to me and I don't know if I will find another. Thank You this session was something else. Interesting because I feel like a completely different person today and then I see this amazing video. This is the best I have experienced of Jivanmukti.



RETREAT: Jivanmukti, Thank you for the retreat and for your kindness and generosity. The reasons I liked it are listed below in order. 1.) Open eyes transmission. That was very powerful and I was seeing your aura and the energy was thick in between us. 2.) Transmission while you were chanting and singing out loud. 3.) Regular transmission is always good and puts me into samadhi meditation. 4.) Watching you do spontaneous yoga postures. 5.) Since it was a small group there was more personal interaction with you and it was easy to get to know the other students. 6.) The walks and outdoor transmission were fun. 7.) The meals together were enjoyable. I also liked the hotel. It was quiet. The rooms were nice. The breakfast was good. I also worked out twice at the gym next door. Thank you!



RETREAT: Dear Jivanmukti, It was a heavenly retreat for me. As you said once : “a life changing experience “ Thank you so much.

M. V.


YOUTUBE: : This is great Jivanmukti, this is great :). What a feeling of presence.
  Thanks for all your work/ guidance. You offer gold and diamonds and people pay you in pennies. The gift has no price, only great responsibility. The responsibility to never claim anything, to be and stay humble, to selflessly share, and serve, to surrender further and further,...
  Sharing with you this "feeling", this presence, that is no more than a drop in the ocean of being :)



RETREAT: I took part of my first retreat with Jivanmukti without any past experiences of retreats. As well having no expectations as to how or what way this will end up being like. The meditation sessions with the presence of Jivanmukti were one of the most absorbed and deepest I have had before. Also, the vast knowledge shared through the duration of the retreat was every bit as valuable as the states of absorption and contemplation during the daily meditation sessions. After receiving the Initiation by Jivanmukti at the retreat is where I started to sense the movement of energy in the physical body much stronger than ever. It was not overwhelming but noticeably present and blissful. Truly a unique experience and a step further in the refinement of the self. Returning back from the retreat the physical vibrations and absorption were not left behind. Lasting about a week, the strong energetic movement settled in the body but the change in perspectives and understanding of the self has been gradually evolving since then. Thank you Jivanmukti for your ever supportive presence, grace, and guidance on this path.



RETREAT: : Thank you. I'm still feeling the transmission from the retreat and will be for a long time, it was very powerful. Today I feel OK with everything, it is similar to apathy but positive instead of negative. Like you say, compassionate detachment. I don't think this feeling will last, but it comes on sometimes and I feel that this is where this sadhana is heading / leading to, this feeling of total contentment and being in acceptance of everything as it is, all the time. But yes, wish I could feel this way all the time haha, where everything is OK, copacetic. Like you say, everything is right, the sun is always bright.

Many thanks and in gratitude



RETREAT: Very powerful retreat; transformative! Each session was powerful. I was able to release some negativity from past and experience some physical healing. Jivanmukti was an astute and insightful retreat master. I will attend again.



RETREAT: Dear Jivanmukti Thank you for an enriching retreat! I was grateful to meet you in person. I enjoyed your hospitality, and it was a pleasure to meet the other guys, too. After the retreat the energy was significantly heightened, and especially in the first week I had some intense experiences. Now things are back to normal, whatever that is. It seems like there is some kind of shift in my process. The shakings/vibrations have disappeared! After almost six months of constant shakings/vibrations they’re as good as gone. Occasionally there are bursts or jolts followed by emotional/physical release. Now I experience long deep breathing with the sound of air moving in the throat. Like Ujjayi Pranayama, but spontaneously and sometimes deeper, accompanied by bliss and a sense of a void, often in my mouth, sometimes in my energy field. My hands are often moving spontaneously with the energy in different patterns. As if enhancing the energy. Sometimes virtually grabbing “something” in my abdomen and lifting it up. Uprooting distortions, releasing tensions or just sensing the void.



RETREAT: Hi Jivanmukti First of all many many thanks to you again for sharing your presence and knowledge at the Retreat. It was a real honour and privilege to meet you. When I calm my mind or let's say be in absorption, I feel a rise of subtle vibration not only in the brain but in the lower abdomen region as well. The more absorbed I am the more I feel it. Always grateful for your help.



RETREAT: Dear Jivanmukti I can only say that you are exceedingly clear in your communications on this topic and I thank you for that (although not everybody might see that right away, it takes dedication and effort to see that). I also am most grateful for a most illuminating retreat and hope all is well with you.



RETREAT: Dear Jivanmukti, This last retreat with you was really amazing. Like I said it even the last day of the retreat , I felt like everything that I experienced along with your talks, reading scriptures and my inner feeling about the reality we are living in, were harmoniously mixing together so that there was not even the slightest contradiction in anything. Everything was just a confirmation of whatever I have read, and I am feeling from within. I feel very blessed to have had the chance to participate in all of these retreats, especially the last one.



RETREAT: It seems that my whole life has become one long retreat. Each day seems to be a lifetime in and of itself. Yet, coming on an ‘offical’ retreat with you always gives me the time and space and inspiration to focus on awareness for its own sake, and to discover something new, a deep layer, to take back into the busyness of daily life where the real work on self is actually done. During this last retreat I began to see that my original state/space of simplicity holds everything within it. My selfishness is held by a deeper selflessness; my complexity is held by total simplicity; and my anger and discontent is merely a superimposition on a space that is forever serene and content. Seeing this I am able to accept myself fully and allow my limitations to be permeated by that which is unlimited – the natural equanimous being itself. I thank you for your visible & invisible blessings and for holding me within this space of constant transmission & grace. - J. H.

J. H.


EVENT: Just wanted to say thank you so much for the wonderful transmission(s). I feel like a joyful mountain today.



EVENT: Firstly I would just like to offer my gratitude for yesterday evening's session and all the guidance I have received from you in form and beyond since I have been connected to you via Shaktipat Stream. I have been feeling a true transmutation taking place within myself and my awareness has been gradually becoming more acute and subtle, among a lot of other transformation which I cannot put into words exactly. Last night's session was especially potent for me - in fact it was the most powerful vibrations I had felt from a transmission ever. I also felt the entire session that I was dreaming. Each moment was independent of the next and it was almost as if the session was over as soon as it started. My memory of the session dissolved after it had ended and I have no recollection of the details of what you were speaking about. After it had ended, this dreamlike state continued and was accompanied by a conviction that in fact something quite significant had happened for me during that time. This perceived feeling/knowing was unique to me despite experiencing many 'mystical' happenings over the years. Your blessings are truly felt.



EVENT: Thank you Jivanmukti, it was a very special event yesterday. Thank you very much for your sharing.



EVENT: That session few days ago was really, really something very powerful and no words to describe how much helpful. Thanks from bottom of my heart.



EVENT: The session of last Sunday had an immense effect for me. The nice energy was felt during a big part of the night after, plus the day after that. I never had such strong feelings. It gave me a real happy mood so to say. Thank you!






  Siddha Kundalini Yoga is the Original Living Siddha Path of gradual initiation. By having ignited the sacred fire and the inner pathway to higher Awareness, one can realise one's Immortal Essence, spiritually grow and evolve.
  Shaktipat Stream is a natural flow of Siddha Consciousness/Being through Jivanmukti's presence and transmissions that invoke deep spiritual awakening and inner healing, rejuvenation and transformation.




Holding Onto the Guru’s Feet: The Art of Spiritual Merging


Embodying the Teaching: An Adept’s Journey with Jivanmukti


Essence of Spiritual Transmission & Transformation


Liberation & The Power of Dispassion


When Awareness Expands: The Path to Liberation


Spiritual Awakening: Undoing The Non-Duality & Kundalini Delusion


Refining Self Through Absorption & Contemplation


Absorption: Refinement of Perception


Samadhi: A Tool for Transformation


The Path to Liberation
