Scripture is the testimony & very presence of the Ultimate (Being) through the body of
words. True scripture is the emanation and transmission of Higher Consciousness

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Books On Amazon
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Invoking Reality: The Spontaneous Teachings of Jivanmukti On The Essence of Spiritual Awakening & Siddha Kundalini Yoga

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Reviving the Original Yoga Sutras: The Secret Teachings of Siddha Patanjali

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Awakening to Natural Spirituality (Siddha Param-Para: The Key to Bio-Spiritual Immortality Book 1)

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Dimensions of Karmic Existence, Yoga & Evolution (Siddha Param-Para: The Key to Bio-Spiritual Immortality)

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Conscious Light Matter & The Self (Siddha Param-Para: The Key to Bio-Spiritual Immortality Book 3)

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The Anatomy Of Spiritual Awakening & Self-Healing (Siddha Param-Para: The Key to Bio-Spiritual Immortality Book 4)

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Shaktipat, Kundalini Awakening & Light Body Activation (Siddha Param-Para: The Key to Bio-Spiritual Immortality Book 5)

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Self-Cultivation : Becoming The Vessel Of Yoga (Siddha Param-Para: The Key to Bio-Spiritual Immortality Book 6)

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Into The Body Of Light: The Mystical Dance Of Dissolution (Siddha Param-Para: The Key to Bio-Spiritual Immortality Book 7)



Powerful Spiritual Presence, Higher Frequency & Self-Born Knowledge

The First Step & The Initiation Into The Path Of Gradual Awakening & Transformation

Transmission of Equanimity, Natural Meditation & Absorption

Direct Experience Of Authentic Siddha Teachings & The Essence Of Siddha Kundalini Yoga

In-depth Perspective And Revelation About Emotional Reality & Karma, Spiritual Alchemy And Human Anatomy, Evolution And Existence. A Revolutionary View On Spirituality, Yoga and Spiritual Power.

Hidden Knowledge About Shaktipat, The Process Of Kundalini Awakening, Self-Refinement & Bio-Spiritual Immortality. Unique Introduction To Secrets Of Siddha Tantra & Siddha Alchemy.

Reader's Experience


BOOK: Blessings inside infinity. Thank you for the book. Your gift of transmission & dialogue bring the absolute ever-changing changes that I am consciously experiencing. It is beyond words" on my part especially since it is the truth that has always been felt by my being. To begin to know that my being & all that is encompassed by it was completely "in reverse" perspective really hammered me. To know that my being created all of my "angels" "demons" & all in my existence was beyond any interpretations. Through eons of collective consciousness beliefs "God" "Source" "Divinity" etc also were recreated in innumerable ways. There is simplicity in my questions to you. Our existence is infinite so I will make the opportunity to speak with you Jivanmukti. Thank you.



BOOK: I have been reading Siddha Param-Para steadily since receiving it a couple of months ago before joining SS. So far I am on page 342. I'm not a book reader (I've maybe read a couple books over my entire life) but I can easily see myself reading this book over and over again! The transmission is strong when I read in a relaxed, calm way. Another thing I noticed with it is that it’s almost as if the book/your consciousness within the book, is tuned into my life happenings/consciousness. By that I mean it seems as if things will happen in my life which coincide with the topic that I'm busy reading. For instance, if I'm contemplating about something for a few days I will read the book and the same topic will occur. Thank you again for this wonderful gift! It will be cherished and taken care of for the rest of my life for sure.



BOOK: This book is amazing, shattering illusions and new age B.S. that is so trendy nowadays. The depth of subjects covered is truly incredible, and I look forward to more surprises as I dive deeper. Even though I know this is the right time, I wish I had started this journey a long time ago!

Tim K.


BOOK: Been reading your book.. Most accurate description of what i have personally experienced in gaining wisdom from within via stillness.. I have read a LOT and haven't come across any who have expressed / conveyed this truth as well as you have.. HV Looking fwd to the arrival of the next one I've ordered.



BOOK: Thank you. Your articles helped me to clarify some distortion. The first time when I was reading them I have seen just my distortion, I was also out of absorption at that time and very judgemental, having bad thoughts coming in the mind, contradictions and so on, but yesterday I was coming back and I read it again and after I have perceived something else. Have a nice day!



BOOK: In my case it was also interesting, because my English is not perfect. I found you on YouTube three years ago and got interested and listened to your videos many times. But many times it was difficult because of language and because of little true inner knowledge. When I started reading your book I realised that I experienced the glimpse of the Truth three years ago, only I did not know that that was the Truth. I was unconscious, but I finally found you.



BOOK: Thank you very much for empowering! You teach us to fish, instead of giving a fish! This progress is so great! Two years ago, and even last year, many times I thought as if all my efforts were useless, but from this year, after reading Siddha Param-Para and after your transmissions, I realised progress!



BOOK, YOUTUBE: :  Hi Jivanmukti,
  Just wanted to say thank you for writing the Yoga Sutras book. I have finally read it all and find it to be an incredible book. Very very well done. Definitely will return to it again in one point.
  The last transmission video you uploaded to Youtube was really felt in the head. Maybe its just me but your video releases are stronger than ever before.



BOOK: Dear Jivanmukti What a good fortune that I stumbled over your videos in YT. Bought your book almost immediately as it was clear to me that you have something very important to say. Although I already was close on many things, after reading only 77 pages, you already have taken away important question marks regarding relation between self (observer), emotional bondage (karma, vairagya, equanimity) and meditation. No more exporting to heaven nor importing from hell. Reading is slow, as I read almost everything twice until I understand. You already have helped me so much and I cannot thank you enough. Still many questions and work to do of course, but the message is clear and simple, no obfuscations. Much is still to come (most of it, probably). I am reading your wonderful book and it gives so many insights. Life starts to give some hints of magic. I am not sure yet but it is certainly a possibility..

Michael J-K.


BOOK: It is very interesting that many years ago I tried different psychotherapies and analysed myself for decades, but none of the psychological methods were useful. I did not know that psychology was so limited. I was not able to get closer to myself. After reading your book and listening to your videos I am able to get closer to my self! It is beyond words, I know. And it is so good that my consciousness has started to expand.



BOOK: The high frequency vibration and spiritual transmission from this book is extraordinarily powerful. Just reading the preview sample, I experienced very strong and definite subtle sensations in the head and all over. A line from one of the first few pages states: 'This book is the very presence and the blessing of Siddha Patanjali himself.' It's an unbelievable grace, an incredible blessing. Jivanmukti, in communion with Siddha Patanjali, has written a divine book for the ages. With absolute purity and a clear sense of perfection, this book will be shining like a star, transmitting the light essence of Siddha Being and Higher Consciousness, for all-time. In gratitude to Jivanmukti and Siddha Patanjali.

